Sympathetic refurbishment of the Grade II Listed wagon lifting tower, incorporating a Bauder sedum green roof, timber conservation works, resin repairs, stone repairs (including replacement and stone indent works) and full repointing. In addition, new stone door threshold cill’s, a man safe system has been incorporated due to no internal access to the roof area of the building.
The completed Tower has been fully glazed, with new sills being added to the two large arches where the trains would have originally approached the structure. A Millboard walkway now runs through the building to allow public access. Display cabinets and boards have been installed to provide information about the Tower’s history. Lighting / small power and emergency lighting has also been installed on the ground / internal floors and fire alarm CCTV system external feature lighting in conjunction with ecology report provided to the outside of the tower.
The Objectives of the refurbishment were to conduct all necessary structural and remedial repairs, make the structure wind and watertight, and to introduce new elements into the new design for the lifting tower, building upon and celebrating the historic importance of the Tower with the context of Wellington Place.
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