Great Construction Experience
Thursday 2 April 2015

SIMPSON were pleased to welcome Josh Embleton from York High School, who joined us during his Easter holidays for his work experience.
During his time with us Josh was able to speak and work with our trade and higher professional apprentices, also our graduates, this has given him an understanding of the great opportunities the construction industry has offer to young people.
Josh certainly impressed us, particularly with his IT skills whilst working with our production team at Head Office.
Dear Amanda and the Team,
I would like to thank everyone that made my 4 days at Simpson such a great experience. I now have more of an idea of what I may want to do once I have left school. You have all shown me what an office and a workshop environment is like, and I very much appreciate that. I have been encouraged to do well in my exams and maybe one day even be joining you again, but for real. I appreciate that you all made an effort to keep me on my toes and make sure I always had something to do. I benefited every second I was there as you were all keen on showing me all the different work types and different areas to work.
Best wishes
Josh Embleton
For more information on how you can apply for Work Placements or Apprenticeships with SIMPSON please contact
Amanda Davidson, HR Advisor
01904 562 426
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